Latest Episodes

A Multifaceted Gospel for Multifaceted People
Randy Newman shares an excerpt from his recent book Unlikely Converts: Improbable Stories of Faith and What They Teach Us About Evangelism that emphasizes...

Lewis on Emotion
In this article, Corey Latta addresses how C.S. Lewis wrote about emotion, and shares about what Lewis’s books have meant to him in his...

Augustine on Heaven and Rewards by Kevin Offner
Two themes that surface in Augustine’s sermons that may be helpful for our discipleship: understanding (1) salvation as primarily a process, a pilgrimage that...

Knowing God Personally
The metaphor of birth provides a helpful way of understanding fuller implications of what it means to know God and to grow in that...

C.S. Lewis on Heaven and Hell by Stephen Eyre
Lewis believed that a vigorous supernaturalism was essential to understanding Christianity. Central to Lewis’s supernaturalism was an unapologetic belief in heaven and hell. In...