Latest Episodes

The Good Serves the Better and Both the Best - Part 1
According to Michael Ward, C.S. Lewis is probably the most influential practitioner of Christian apologetics over the last hundred years. In this article, he...

Suggestions for Spending Daily Time with God
Tom Tarrants observes that God desires an intimate, personal relationship with His children and calls us to know, love and serve Him and His...

Heroics of Weakness
Aaron Welty lives an active life with cerebral palsy. While he has prayed for healing, he states that God has provided an unexpected prescription,...

The Glamour of Atheism
What makes atheism so appealing? Author Cameron McAllister makes the case that overlooking atheism’s appeal constitutes a serious strategic mistake for those of us...

C.S. Lewis and the New Atheists
Andy Bannister argues that in considering how to deal with what has been termed the “New Atheism,” we can learn much from looking at...

Modern Mythology Matters
Since the advent of Superman: The Movie in 1978, ushering in the modern era of superhero cinema, theater audiences have enjoyed blockbuster films focused...