Latest Episodes

Freedom from the Flesh: Hindrances to Discipleship Part 4
You can experience the freedom and fulness of life that God intended. Discover how you can be set free and empowered to live a...

The Flesh: Hindrances to Discipleship (Part 3)
In this issue we turn our attention to our treatment of “the flesh,” the third member of what has been called “the unholy trinity.”...

Hindrances to Discipleship: The World
What does the New Testament mean by the word world? In this issue we will seek to understand the world system, its origin and...

Hindrances to Discipleship: The Devil
The world, the flesh, and the devil present three major hindrances to following Jesus Christ. In part one of a four-part series we'll explore...

Who is God? (Part 2)
In this second installment of Who is God?, Tom Tarrants explores the unchanging nature of God as revealed in the Bible. Read this article...

Who is God? (Part 1)
The greatest need of every true believer (and nonbeliever) today is the recovery of a right view of God. From this flows everything else....