Randy Newman explains that before we even start some evangelistic conversations, the deck is stacked against us, as nonbelievers assume they’re morally or intellectually superior to believers. Many outside the faith see us as narrow-minded, intolerant, homophobic simpletons. He gives us some valuable techniques to level the playing field so our words are considered rather than dismissed. Read this article online.
Recommended Reading:
The Engaging with Series (The Good Book Company, 2014)
The metaphor of birth provides a helpful way of understanding fuller implications of what it means to know God and to grow in that...
Joe Loconte reveals to us some of the ways C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien found faith in some of the most...
C.S. Lewis used imaginative depiction to enable readers to see a particular thing or truth more clearly. This message explores one of his greatest...