Latest Episodes

Ralph Waldo Emerson's Philosophy and Influence
Ralph Waldo Emerson was a gifted nineteenth century American writer who helped launch a movement of sorts called transcendentalism, in which the individual supplanted...

Terrorism Through the Eyes of Faith
We might think that the antidote to fear is courage, since it is one of the classical cardinal virtues. But, the biblical response to...

Understanding Hinduism
There is no such thing as Hinduism. Hinduism is a word that the British coined as a catch-all term for the innumerable and often...

Exercising Godly Ambition
Most Christians are taught to believe that ambition is sinful and therefore to be avoided. But what is godly ambition and how can we...

The Bible as Nourishment for the Christian Life
Christians feed on Scripture. Holy Scripture nurtures the Holy Community as food nurtures the human body. Eugene Peterson helps us understand how we can...

Christian Faith and the Natural Sciences
In recent years, there has been growing interest in the relationship between Christianity and the natural sciences. Oxford Professor Alister McGrath illustrates how Christianity...