Latest Episodes

Does a Red-Faced God Sing the Blues? Emotions, Divine Suffering, and Biblical Interpretation
Is being jealous – red faced – a divine perfection? How can God be a God of love if the Old Testament seems to...

William Wilberforce and His Circle of Friends
Many are aware of the accomplishments of William Wilberforce and his successful initiatives to abolish slavery and introduce institutional reforms in the United Kingdom....

Time With God
Join J.I. Packer, in a past interview with CSLI, reflected on his daily walk with God. Packer covered his schedule, his insights, and revealed...

The Priority of Prayer
The Kingdom of God moves forward through Prayer. The Holy Spirit and our prayers to God contain incredible power to bring God’s will. Old...

First Steps to Loving and Understanding Our Jewish Neighbors
The Jewish people make up less than one percent of the population, yet their impact on the world and culture is undeniable. Read how...

From Politics to Pampers - A Stay at Home Mom's Story
Once you realize your own worth hinges on Christ and not your resumé, you are freed up to love and appreciate others — regardless...